Effective & Efficient Faculty

CAMPUS TALKS & WORKSHOPS (In-person & Virtual)
Campus talks & workshops are focused on introducing the topics necessary for building your institution’s capacity to support diverse faculty, diverse students, and inclusive teaching. They allow members of your campus community to gain shared knowledge, frameworks and language they can use to further conversations, act immediately and identify next steps towards its diversity, inclusion and teaching goals. The investment for a 60-90 minute talk/workshop is $3500 (virtual)/$4500 (in-person ).
Effective & Efficient Faculty's virtual campus talks/workshops are:
Informed by research
Conducted in an interactive manner
Focused on efficient (rather than time intensive) evidence-based practices
Designed such that participants know their next individual and/or institutional step at the conclusion of the keynote (i.e. designed with outcome and application in mind)
Student care work is much more likely to be demanded of diverse faculty by students, faculty and administrators. Unfortunately, most of these expectations run counter to the scholarship with negative impacts on student learning and diverse faculty. Participants will learn about the research on the additional care unfairly expected of diverse faculty. They will also learn how the scholarship defines what is effective pedagogical care–as well as what is not. At the end, participants will have a stronger understanding of the evidenced-based pedagogical care that should be practiced (& those that shouldn't be expected).
What Pedagogical Care Is and Isn't

Faculty might need or want to teach topics that are marginalized, controversial, or otherwise new scholarly perspectives for students. Yet, many faculty are unsure of how to teach these topics in general and are additionally fearful of creating a negative learning environment for diverse students. Participants will learn how to lay an evidence-based foundation for teaching difficult or controversial topics. At the end, participants will have a detailed strategy for choosing, planning and teaching these topics that is suited for their teaching style, discipline, campus, and students.
Preparing for Difficult or Controversial Classroom Topics

Understanding the Challenging Classroom Experiences of Diverse Faculty and Students
Supporting the retention and success of diverse faculty and students begins with knowing more about their campus experiences. At the end, participants will know the highlights of research on the challenging classroom experiences of BIPOC and diverse faculty and students and the related faculty, student and institutional costs.

Teaching Excellence: Developing Effective Practices for Inclusive Classrooms
Inclusive teaching is important to the retention and success of all students but especially for diverse students. Participants will learn about the research basis for inclusive teaching. Participants will engage and begin to apply the most important components of inclusive teaching to their own practice. At the end, participants will know what they can do immediately to improve their inclusive teaching and/or have a plan for future improvements. [Level 1: Foundations of Inclusive Teaching; Level 2: Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills]

Developing Effective Strategies for Classroom Disruptions & Incivility
Student incivility and disruptions can derail faculty effectiveness and student learning-- especially for diverse faculty and students. Participants will learn about diverse faculty & students’ experiences with classroom incivility and the potential consequences of unchecked classroom incivilities. At the end, participants will have an introductory understanding of the range of strategies faculty can use to address student classroom incivility and will have begun to develop one of those strategies.

Teaching in No Time (TINT) 3.0: Preparing for a Stress-Free Efficient and Effective Semester (across course modalities)
In order to implement new classroom practices faculty need to create “space” in their teaching time and energy. This workshop will introduce how faculty can teach effectively with less time and stress--no matter the modality--while using efficient, evidence-based, and inclusive teaching practices. At the end, participants will have ideas on how to adjust their teaching to reduce time while also increasing student learning and will have begun to develop one of those strategies.